task manager

Task manager: What’s that for?

What’s the first thought you have when you hear about a task manager? Probably you think that it’s a tool to list the tasks you need to perform. Well, that’s a really useful function, but in the routine of companies, more than tasks, you need to manage teams. And that’s what this tool is for. To make priorities clear and relationships more transparent, to measure the time spent on each project and evaluate the employees performance. Are your curious to know how exactly? Keep reading and you will see.

To learn what you need to do first

Where do I start? This is the classic question that plagues many of us almost every day. Suddenly, a long time has passed and we are still in the same task. A task manager is made to avoid that anxiety and help you decide. It shows to you your to-do list in order of priority and estimates a delivery date for all of them. Furthermore, whenever you think a task is important and urgent, just drag-and-drop it to the top of the list.

To make and keep commitments

Ending misinformation is one of the major conditions to be trust between professionals. However, without a task manager, it can be very hard. After all, how to ensure that a commitment was sealed? With the manager tool, dialogues are saved in tasks and it’s possible to deal again, but not to claim that something was not dealt. Moreover, for professionals to organize their routine better, they can set an alert to schedule tasks.

To measure time spent on projects

We must agree: timesheet is one of the most inaccurate ways of measuring the time spent on a project. Eventually, professionals will forget to fill it out. What you will notice is that the most modern task managers have an automatic timesheet. Just click: play to work, pause to rest or work on another task and, when complete, click to deliver it. The system not only measures the time spent but also produces reports that give the numbers that managers need to make decisions, whether to cut off bottlenecks and to review the budget.

To find out how productive each one is

You don’t need to listen once again that recognizing the good work of a team is critical to perpetuate it. What you want to hear, in fact, it’s how to solve this issue. Don’t worry. A task manager fulfills that mission for you every day. More than informing the team’s and each user’s productivity index, a more advanced task manager also rewards professionals with medals, as they work and interact with each other.

Now you no longer have questions about the usefulness of a task manager, you want a suggestion on which one to use. Meet Runrun.it, adopted by more than 100,000 companies in over 100 countries and able to increase the productivity of a team up to 25%. Try it for free: http://runrun.it


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